Grown and distributed in Europe exclusively by the VOG and VIP consortia, this new apple will reach an output of around 1,200 tons this year. A new generation of apples is set to rapidly develop.
Following the success of the first commercial tests in 2021, Cosmic Crisp® is finally making its debut on the European market. Following its success in the USA, where it originated, this extraordinary new apple has now also made its way to Italy, Spain, Germany, Scandinavia, and the United Kingdom thanks to the VOG and VIP consortia, which grow it in South Tyrol - Südtirol.
“We were thrilled to launch the first major campaign for this heavenly apple, which offers a unique pleasure with every bite, an intense emotion as big as the sky,” remarks Hannes Tauber, Marketing Manager at the VOG Consortium. “Indeed, ‘Heavenly pleasure’ is the slogan of the communication campaign that introduces stores to the unique pleasure that Cosmic Crisp® brings with every bite.”
Like a fine wine, this innovative apple reaches its peak quality over time, becoming even tastier and more aromatic, which is why it enters the market in the second half of the season. With this year’s output of 1,200 tons, Cosmic Crisp® will be stocked in fruit and vegetable aisles from February to April. In the future, it will cover the sales season until July.
The result of a cross between the Enterprise and Honeycrisp varieties, Cosmic Crisp® is part of a new generation of apples and stands out for its attractive color, featuring multi-faceted red shades on a yellow background, and for its remarkable juiciness, firm crunch, and particularly balanced flavor combining sweetness and tartness. The flavors are finely structured and predominantly ‘green’ and fruity like those of green grass, kiwi, and gooseberry with an orange note on the peel. Sustainably grown, it is also available with organic certification.