Cherry production suffered its worst hit in 2017 as climatic conditions impacted the world's fruit and vegetable supply. During last spring's frosty weather, cherries in Europe, especially major producing countries such as Germany, Belgium, Bulgaria, Netherlands, Switzerland, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Croatia, Poland, Austria, and France, suffered losses.
The lack of supply has affected the total supply of cherries in Europe and the United States, with merchants forced to source cherries from multiple origins in order to have sufficient supplies to meet demand.
Carmen Popescu of Octofrost believes that single frozen cherries are a great way for growers to maximize their harvest, and the company encourages producers to get in touch with them to learn more about single frozen cherries and what they need proper preparation for freezing works.
"Cherry is a high-value product and increased demand from the dairy and confectionery industries is contributing to the demand for individually quick-frozen cherries. However, not all frozen products can be processed in the same way." Carme said. She continued: "In order to maximize the harvest of cherries, it is important to choose the correct freezing method. Cherries are a juicy and high-Brix product, so correct feed temperature is required to maintain a good appearance, shape, and high yield of the fruit.