Ginger has always been a staple in Chinese cooking. But, you find it in many drinks, like tea, blends, shots, and even beer these days. Its spicy kick has also been deemed an alternative to alcohol. It is now available in liquor stores in beautifully designed bottles and is priced similarly to spirits. Now Organic does not consider "added value" as the most important thing about its products. They prefer keeping things pure.
No added sugar or spices
"People often use sugar or other spices to soften ginger's spicy flavor. We deliberating don't do that. Customers can choose what to do with our product," says Hans Versteegh. "Pure ginger juice is the user-friendly replacement for fresh ginger and can be used in many ways: a dash of ginger juice in tea or mixed with cold (sparkling) water, fruit juices, smoothies, and multivitamin drinks. Or as a pure shot."
"We're getting requests from all over the world, from Lapland to Croatia, and via air freight to New Zealand. We can service our global customers from our warehouse in the Netherlands. We have fresh ginger, frozen cut cubes, purees, and juices to press yourself." Now Organic also markets its products online to consumers, food service, and the hospitality industry under its brand, Go Now.
Turmeric juice
The third Go Now product is turmeric juice. Hans: "Turmeric is becoming extremely popular. It has long been used as a flavoring in dishes such as curries, but demand is noticeably increasing. Not many people know Turmeric as a juice. It's more common as a powder or capsule as a dietary supplement. Turmeric juice, like ginger juice, can be mixed with anything. It gives a surprising, slightly bitter taste. It's also quite healthy."